The RRR Program is designed to help experienced agents with their online inquires that come from various lead sources. With the RRR Program, the CSR can often give a faster response to increase the chance of closing the sale.
Meet Koryn Lipari
Koryn has been a CSR with BHHS Select Properties for 5 years. She has scrubbing leads down to a science. She tracks, logs and converts leads with her proven strategic customer service skills. You can be assured that Koryn has your best interest in lead generation because she doesn’t get paid unless you do.
How It Works
- Chosen eLead sources (i.e Zillow, Realtor.com, etc) are directed to company CSR
- Company CSR is immediately notified of all incoming leads for the chosen source(s) and will contact each lead within 5 minutes.
- As soon as contact is established and the lead is qualified, the lead is immediately handed off to the source agent as a hot lead.
- Any unqualified leads will be tracked and nurtured by the company CSR until they are converted to a hot lead.
- Upon closing of any hot lead handed off to source agent, a fee of$500 will be collected at payout for lead scrubbing.
Where Can Leads Be Pulled From
When choosing what sources to pull leads from, keep in mind you can not choose what leads from that source get sent to Koryn. It is all or nothing. Below are resources we support.
- Buyside
- Zillow
- Trulia
- Realtor.com
- CRM Open House Sign In Company/Office Website (on listings)
- Homes.com
- Homeswing
- Smarteragent
- Next Door App